Saturday, August 28, 2010

Restoring what?

I'm already on-record asserting that Glenn Beck is (probably) crazy. Still, I don't disagree with him categorically -- even a nutjob can have a good idea or two.

His "America's Divine Destiny" shtick isn't one of them. Neither, for the most part, is the "Restoring Honor" rally he's hosting today at the Lincoln Memorial.

Honor is a personal virtue, not a movement. Honor is neither political nor national. A government or corporation cannot demonstrate honor except through the actions of individuals. Honor is never collective.

Before honor comes intellectual honesty, and few public figures fail the intellectual Smell Test as often as does Glenn Beck.

Beck speaks his truth passionately and without apology, as is his right. And to be clear here, I appreciate his vigilance (until it verges on right-wing paranoia, anyway) and I join him in vigorous defense of constitutional principles (until he starts blathering that his God approves only those who share his brand of theology).

Unfortunately, his pursuit of religious and ideological purity undermines his credibility, along with his ultimate value to the task of saving our nation.

Today Beck will be surrounded (and adored) by his True Believers, exercising their First Amendment rights to assemble peaceably and speak freely. Someone should remind these folks, however, that they're throwing away their hero-worship on a cartoon character.

With that image in mind, it's not at all surprising that Beck's most disturbed disciples are suggesting -- seriously -- that he and Caribou Barbie would be a formidable ticket in 2012.

If that ever comes to pass, whatever "honor" might be "restored" today -- during what pundit John Avlon calls the "2010 Wingnut Super Bowl" -- will evaporate.

Did you know...?
Because Beck's three-hour "Restoring Honor" event is being held in Washington, DC and on property managed by the National Park Service, his website advises attendees,

The list of "Prohibited Items" includes these five bullet points:
• Firearms (real or simulated)
• Ammunition
• Explosives or incendiary devices of any kind (incl. fireworks)
• Knives, blades, or sharp objects of any length
• No firearms or explosive devices, no open fires
Two things are clear. First, the list obviously was prepared by the Federal Department of Redundancy Department.

And second, it's apparent that Glenn Beck chose symbolism over the Second Amendment.