Friday, June 29, 2012

Unlimited government (illustrated)

If you've been paying attention to right-leaning media since this time yesterday, you've heard this question: Does the Supreme Court's ruling on "Obamacare" signal the end of America as we know it?

Answer: Of course it doesn't. We already knew that the People are being smothered by an intrusive federal government.

It does, however, in this independent citizen-patriot's opinion, mark the end of our country as it was founded.

See, even if the Supreme Court's decision mobilizes Liberty-loving citizens to deny Pres. Obama a second term, or even to press our elected officials to "repeal and replace" Obamacare -- a dumb idea, swapping one big-government program for another -- it establishes precedent at the highest level of the federal judiciary. With a single ruling, the Court cleared the way for our bloated government to regulate and tax not only what we do, but also what we don't do.

(Somewhere, HRH Michael Bloomberg is toasting his unexpected windfall with expensive champagne.)

The damage is done. There's a deep gash in our founding principles, hemorrhaging Liberty.

July 4th, the day that we celebrate independence, is less than a week away. America is still the best and freest country on Earth and I will, indeed, celebrate that -- but I'll do so on Wednesday with tears in my eyes, knowing that our liberties are, perhaps, mortally wounded.