For a moment, try to put aside the candidates and their parties -- focus on the ad's message that armed resistance against a tyrannical authority isn't among the "Second Amendment remedies" conceived by the Founders.
That's unfiltered bullshit, of course.
Almost exactly two years ago I quoted former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on this very subject:
For another perspective, check out columnist David Codrea's commentary on the Reid ad. He got it precisely right."...the Second Amendment is not about hunting. I get so frustrated when some candidates asked about the Second Amendment, they start telling me, 'Well, I have a hunting license, and I’m a member of the NRA.' Look, so do I. It's not about the Second Amendment.
"The Second Amendment is about freedom. It's about protecting ourselves, our families, our property, and ultimately, if necessary -- I know this sounds pretty bold -- but from our own government, when they get out of control. That's what it's all about."
Despite hyper-paranoid rhetoric from the (truly) extreme right, currently there's neither call nor cause for armed resistance. The People aren't suffering under a tyrannical federal government -- not even close. So for now, we work within the system to save our country.
But that's not the point.
When a career politician has either the gall or the ignorance to insult the fundamental intent of the Constitution -- the Constitution he swore he'd defend -- he insults me.
I call bullshit. What say you?