Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A truthy 'toon

Here's a YouTube video sent to me by a reader over the weekend, prompted by a recent KintlaLake Blog post about the Fed's so-called "quantitative easing."

If you're tempted to dismiss that as just another anti-capitalist grenade, don't. Wrapped in simple animation, sprinkled with colorful characterizations, are facts beyond credible dispute.

Don't believe me? Eliot Spitzer -- yeah, the guy known as "Client-9" during the prostitution scandal that forced him to resign as Governor of New York but also as the "Sheriff of Wall Street" during his tenure as the state's Attorney General -- had this to say at the top of CNN's
Parker-Spitzer last night:

"...when I first saw this [video] I started laughing so hard, I started -- tears coming out of my eyes. Then I was crying because it's true.

"I mean, think about this, Goldman got TARP money. Goldman got $12.9 billion from that whole AIG mess that was completely insane. Should never have happen[ed]. Goldman was turned into a bank holding company overnight -- never happened before -- so they can make more money. They get money interest-free from the government.

"It's a scam. It's a rip-off. What's going on here?"

"I don't have any problem with [banks] making money, but there is fundamentally a problem with our policy that has given so much money to the banks over the last couple years. It has not brought the economy back to where it should be. The banks are giving themselves huge bonuses out of taxpayer money. It is wrong ethically. It should have been wrong legally. The government didn't know how to negotiate with them, and that is the source of a lot of anger, and a legitimate anger I believe."

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The U.S. economy is fundamentally and perhaps irreparably broken. Federal fiscal policy isn't merely incompetent -- it's corrupt.