Friday, December 25, 2009

It's Christmas Day

The KintlaLake family opened presents last night, as is our holiday tradition, and unstocked stockings this morning. I'll spare readers a rundown of our modest booty -- there's way too much of that sort of thing going around.

I will say, though, that the missus and I are grateful for gifts of thermal underwear and wool socks.

We breakfasted today on sausage-and-egg casserole, another tradition. Right now I'm finishing a 24-hour batch of
KintlaLake's Slow-Cooker Chili, which I'll serve tomorrow to my co-workers at the shop. My mother-in-law is preparing this evening's dinner.

On this Christmas Day, a tumultuous year for my family and me is drawing to a close. It finds us well, safe and together. As ever, our spirit thrives.

I wish the same for you and those you hold dear.